Old website being a bear to update so I'm making a new one. It's with
Site Builder and was easy to do. They continuously ask me to purchase
the domain, but I'm not motivated for that.
Go check it out at http://arielewriter.myfreesites.net/
not finished but has events, photos and a fun writing exercise on the
About page, plus a couple of poems on the Welcome page.
I also have a new blog about writing. It's a continuation of my Writers Wings newsletter that went online, but I stopped doing in 2006. A blog is easier though. http://writerswingsbyariele.blogspot.com http://writerswingsbyariele.blogspot.com
I'm encouraging people to send written pieces to the blog. Do the exercises. Ask questions, etc. And, yes, if what we do is interesting, I'm going to make it into an eBook (as I did with this blog's contributions, including mine) and then you'll be published (again, perhaps?) and I'll let you know when the eBook is free so that you can tell your friends to read you by downloading on those days. Ah, the writing life. :-D