Please join me in starting an anthology book about FUN!
Write about FUN.
Dictionary Definition of FUN: Enjoyment,
amusement, or lighthearted pleasure.
You can make a list of what’s fun for you.
shopping, knitting, drawing, reading.
OR you can define what fun means to you.
My idea of fun is to have plenty of time with other people. I love to socialize
and talk.
Or you can write about a particular time that
was fun.
My fifth birthday stands out as a really fun time. My parents invited all the
neighborhood children and did a puppet show for us. They even hung apples from strings,
and we tried to grab one by biting it. Lots of laughter and enjoyable
OR you can talk about what
was fun during a specific time of your life or during a specific incident. How
did fun relate to being an “army brat” or the new kid on the block or…whatever
comes to your mind.
Have fun with it! 😊 The best size for these is 50 to 250 words. But I'll look at whatever you come up with...maybe take an excerpt if it's super long.
Pat Jordan in a clown wig having fun at Write About Your Life class, Greenwood location.